Record high temperature 36.6°C Record low temperature -16.6°C Record high gust 116.0 mph Record high average 53.8 mph Record daily rain 42.8 mm Record low windchill -54.8°C Record high barometer 1047.7 hPa Record low barometer 900.5 hPa
Daily high pressure 1018.4 mb Daily low pressure 1016.6 mb Daily low windchill 11.7°C Daily high heat index 12.8°C Daily high gust speed 11.5 mph SE Daily high average speed 9.5 mph SSE
Weather Data
LAST READING AT TIME: 03:15 DATE: 12 May 2024, time of next update: 03:30
Current WeatherOvercast Okas 8 Current Temperature 12.0°C (53.6°F), Apparent temp 11.8°C
Maximum Temperature (since midnight)12.8°C at: 00:37 Minimum Temperature (since midnight)11.7°C at: 02:54
Average windspeed (ten minute)3.1 mph Wind Direction (ten minute)SSE (159°)
Windchill Temperature 12.0°C Maximum Gust (last hour)9.0 mph at: 02:37
Maximum Gust (since midnight)11.5 mph at: 00:11 Maximum 1 minute average (since midnight)9.5 mph at: 00:56
Rainfall (last hour)0.0 mm Rainfall (since midnight)0.0 mm (0.00 in.)---
Rainfall This month 5.4 mm (0.21 in.) Rainfall To date this year 498.4 mm (19.62 in.)
Maximum rain per minute (last hour)0.0 mm/min Maximum rain per hour (last 6 hours)0.0 mm/hour
Yesterdays rainfall 0.0 mm DewPoint 11.1°C (Wet Bulb :11.5°C )
Humidity 94 %, Humidex 13.8°C Barometer corrected to msl1016.6 mb
Pressure change -0.7 mb (last hour) Trend (last hour)STEADY
Pressure change (last 12 hours)-3.5 mb Pressure change (last 6 hours)-2.2 mb
Current Grass Temp temperature 5.4°C
Maximum Grass Temp temperature (since midnight) 6.1°C Minimum Grass Temp temperature (since midnight)-0.7°C
Current Black Globe Heat temperature temperature 12.8°C
Maximum Black Globe Heat temperature temperature (since midnight) 13.6°C Minimum Black Globe Heat temperature temperature (since midnight)12.3°C
Current Soil @ 50mm temperature 12.5°C
Maximum Soil @ 50mm temperature (since midnight) 13.0°C Minimum Soil @ 50mm temperature (since midnight)12.5°C
Current Con Slab temperature 10.9°C
Maximum Con Slab temperature (since midnight) 11.6°C Minimum Con Slab temperature (since midnight)10.8°C
Current Screen Dry bulb temperature 11.6°C
Maximum Screen Dry bulb temperature (since midnight) 12.5°C Minimum Screen Dry bulb temperature (since midnight)11.5°C
Current Screen Wet Bulb temperature 11.0°C
Maximum Screen Wet Bulb temperature (since midnight) 12.0°C Minimum Screen Wet Bulb temperature (since midnight)10.9°C
Current 00:00 hours of sunshine today, current sky: Overcast Okas 8
Sunshine hours for the year: 41:08 hrs Sunshine hours for the month: 17:41 hrs
Current evapotranspiration rate 0.0 mm per day. Yesterday's reading 4.5

Weather report/warning/Metars

   WXSIM text forecast for Cheddleton, initialized at  7:20 PM May 5, 2024
 Tonight: Mostly cloudy to cloudy. Patchy light fog. A slight chance of rain. Low
 7. Wind east-southeast around 2 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20
 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. Minimum freezing level 1850 meters
 above sea level.
 Monday: Cloudy. Patchy light fog in the morning, then moderate fog in the
 afternoon. Rain likely. High 13. UV index up to 2. Wind northwest around 3 mph
 in the morning, becoming 7 mph in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation 70
 percent. Precipitation mostly between 5 and 10 mm. Maximum freezing level 2250
 meters above sea level.
 Monday night: Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the evening, becoming dense overcast
 after midnight. Moderate fog in the evening, then patchy light fog after
 midnight. A chance of rain in the evening, then a slight chance of rain after
 midnight. Low 9. Wind northwest around 3 mph. Chance of precipitation 40
 percent. Precipitation mostly around 2 mm. Minimum freezing level 2100 meters
 above sea level.
 Tuesday: Dense overcast in the morning, becoming cloudy in the afternoon. A
 slight chance of rain in the morning, then a chance of rain in the afternoon.
 High 13. UV index up to 2. Wind north-northeast around 3 mph. Chance of
 precipitation 50 percent. Precipitation mostly between 2 and 5 mm. Maximum
 freezing level 2450 meters above sea level.
 Tuesday night: Partly to mostly cloudy in the evening, becoming cloudy after
 midnight. Patchy light fog. A slight chance of rain. Low 7. Wind east-northeast
 around 4 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly
 less than 2 mm. Minimum freezing level 2450 meters above sea level.
 Wednesday: Mostly cloudy in the morning, becoming cloudy in the afternoon. A
 chance of rain. High 16. UV index up to 3. Wind southeast around 6 mph in the
 morning, becoming south in the afternoon. Chance of precipitation 30 percent.
 Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. Maximum freezing level 3200 meters above
 sea level.
 Wednesday night: Cloudy in the evening, becoming partly cloudy after midnight.
 Patchy light fog. A slight chance of rain. Low 8. Wind southwest around 2 mph in
 the evening, becoming west-northwest after midnight. Chance of precipitation 20
 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. Minimum freezing level 2800 meters
 above sea level.
 Thursday: Mostly cloudy in the morning, becoming cloudy in the afternoon. Patchy
 light fog in the morning. Mild. High 18. UV index up to 4. Wind west-southwest
 around 5 mph. Maximum freezing level 3250 meters above sea level.
 Thursday night: Dense overcast. A slight chance of rain after midnight.
 Relatively mild. Low 12. Wind north-northwest around 4 mph. Chance of
 precipitation less than 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. Minimum
 freezing level 2750 meters above sea level.
 Friday: Dense overcast in the morning, becoming cloudy in the afternoon. A
 slight chance of rain in the afternoon. Mild. High 16. UV index up to 2. Wind
 north-northwest around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation less than 20 percent.
 Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm. Maximum freezing level 3050 meters above
 sea level.
 Friday night: Cloudy. Low 10. Wind north-northwest around 3 mph. Minimum
 freezing level 2900 meters above sea level.
 Saturday: Dense overcast in the morning, becoming cloudy in the afternoon. A
 chance of rain. High 15. UV index up to 2. Wind east-southeast around 5 mph.
 Chance of precipitation 50 percent. Precipitation mostly between 2 and 5 mm.
 Maximum freezing level 3200 meters above sea level.
 Saturday night: Partly to mostly cloudy in the evening, becoming dense overcast
 after midnight. Patchy light fog. A chance of rain. Low 10. Wind east-southeast
 around 5 mph. Chance of precipitation 30 percent. Precipitation mostly less than
 2 mm. Minimum freezing level 2900 meters above sea level.