Welcome to Weather-Above
Weather- Above  is using  WXSIM professional version 2022 (Build 2.0) weather forecasting modelling  the author of the programme as made a customised professional profile for my location, and has recently been fine  tuned .  The forecast routines are manually selected,  depending on the current weather  conditions  this gives optimum results for a Five day forecast for Cheddleton weather

Important note Due to our earthquake monitoring the time zone was changed to UTC this was started on 24/03/2010

Cheddleton  forecast
Please follow heatwave warnings from your local Met office check with your local radio and news channels

We've added another instrument to the automated weather station called a (Tg) black globe temperature sensor. Using our aspirated screen  (Tw) wet bulb temperature and a (Ta) screen dry bulb temperature. Using this formula WBGT = (0.7 × Tw) + (0.2 × Tg) + (0.1 × Ta)
   We can work out what the WBGT heat stress measurement is at our location.

The wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) is a type of apparent temperature used to estimate the effect of temperature, humidity, wind speed (wind chill), and visible and infrared radiation (usually sunlight) on humans.

The three elements Tw, Tg, and Ta are combined into a weighted average to produce the    WBGT.

This page is updated from recent data collected by a Dallas 1-wire weather station
Use the Reload or Refresh facility on your browser to retrieve the latest data.
Weather data is based on a  Amateur  Hobbyist  readings
and should not be interpreted as being totally accurate. 
This site is just for people with a general interest in weather
(0.7 × Tw)
(0.2 × Tg)
(0.1 × Ta)